OrderlyCalls Licensing Guidance
On this page you'll find practical guidance on writing your own applications using OrderlyCalls, and redistribution. This page not a licence document, and does not supersede the requirements of the licence.
The OrderlyCalls system is licensed under the GNU Library (Lesser) General Public Licence (LGPL). A copy of this licence should be included within this distribution.
This licence scheme means you may write your own proprietary applications using OrderlyCalls classes without having to open-source them.
Writing your own Applications
Using OrderlyCalls
The OrderlyCalls system consists of the following packages:
- com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls
- com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls.base
- com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls.asterisk.agi
- com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls.asterisk.manager
- com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls.asterisk.manager.action
- com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls.asterisk.manager.event
These packages and classes are released under the LGPL.
Typically your applications will contain classes that implement the AGIProcessor, AGIReuseableProcessor and ManagerEventListener interfaces.
If you're creating your own Services, you'll probably want to extend the Service and Settings classes.
Your applications will probably also need to call methods in the other OrderlyCalls classes in these packages.
You can do all of this without having to Open Source your code.
If you find you need to modify or extend the other classes in this distribution, please do let us know, as it probably means we've missed something, and need to update the project.
Using OrderlyCalls Examples
This distribution of OrderlyCalls contains a number of example applications, in the package com.orderlysoftware.orderlycalls.examples. These are not part of the OrderlyCalls system, and are included for instruction purposes only.
- The ExampleManagerEventListener, ExampleProcessor, and ExampleService classes ARE released under the LGPL. You may use them how you wish (subject to the usage restrictions below).
- The OrderlyQExample and OrderlyQExampleSettings classes ARE NOT released under the LGPL. You may not modify them, or use them for anything other than demonstration purposes. You may freely redistribute them as part of this package, however.
The sounds contained in OrderlyCallsSounds.tar.gz are also NOT released under the LGPL, and can ONLY be used for demonstration purposes, though you may freely redistribute them as part of this package.
The licence document describes the conditions for redistribution of OrderlyCalls. We recommend the following:
Source Distribution
If you're not developing your applications based on OrderlyCalls, and simply wish to distribute this framework, we recommend redistributing this distribution as-is.
Jar Distribution
If you're developing and distributing your own applications, and want to distribute them without the OrderlyCalls source code or documentation, we recommend including the compiled version of OrderlyCalls, orderlycalls.jar, in your release. This jar file (when compiled using the ant build script that comes with this distribution) contains a copy of the licence file, which satisfies the licensing requirements of the LGPL.
Usage Restrictions
In addition to the restrictions of the LGPL, the following restrictions apply:
- OrderlyCalls may not be used to automate 'cold-calling'.
Orderly Software takes a strong stand against SPAM. If you wish to use
OrderlyCalls to call people without their prior consent, you must write to
m@orderlysoftware.com explaining why you need to do this. At our discretion
we may decide to issue permission in specific cases.
- OrderlyCalls may not be used to provide or augment call queuing without
the prior written permission of Orderly Software.
The reason for this is that Orderly Software provides an advanced queue
management system called OrderlyQ, that lets callers hang up and call back without losing their place in the queue. OrderlyQ is patent-pending, and we do not allow the use of OrderlyCalls to provide similar functionality.
By adding this restriction, we are erring on the side of caution, so if you
want to use OrderlyCalls in conjunction with call queuing, but you are not
intending to emulate OrderlyQ, you should write to us and
explain how you intend to use OrderlyCalls.
We anticipate that we will be very happy to give consent in most cases.
If you have any questions about licensing or usage, please do ask us!